This package contains routines and tools for obtuse angle shadowing networks and distance-based interpolation between scattered, multidimensional points. Four variants of distance-based interpolation can be compared with (coordinate-based) 2D Delaunay interpolation.
DirectedDistanceMatrix — computes the symmetric or asymmetric matrix of distances or dissimilarity coefficients
Obtuse-angle-shadowing networks
ConnectionList — gives a list of connected point pairs according to the obtuse-angle-shadowing rule
ConnectedFrom — gives a list of numbers for those points which have connections from a given point.
ConnectedNeighbors —gives a list of numbers for those points which are connected to or from a given point
ConnectedTo — gives a list of numbers for those points which have connections to a given point.
FriendCountList — sorts the points according to how many connections they have.
FriendsFromList — sorts the points according to which points they have connections from.
FriendsList — sorts the points according to which points they have connections from or to.
FriendsToList — sorts the points according to which points they have connections to.
Interpolation methods and tools
Interpolation,Method→"Voronoi" returns the function value of the nearest control point from the interpolation point.
Interpolation,Method→"ObtuseAngle" — Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using obtuse angle shadowing networks.
InterpolationCoefficients — is used in the algorithm for obtuse angle interpolation, and gives a vector of interpolation coefficients.
Interpolation,Method→"RBF" — Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using
radial basis functions.
Interpolation,Method→"Shepard" — Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using
the Shepard method.