Obtuse Package
This package contains routines and tools for obtuse angle shadowing networks and distance-based interpolation between scattered, multidimensional points. Four variants of distance-based interpolation can be compared with (coordinate-based) 2D Delaunay interpolation.
Distance Matrix
DirectedDistanceMatrix computes the symmetric or asymmetric matrix of distances or dissimilarity coefficients
Obtuse-angle-shadowing networks
ConnectionList gives a list of connected point pairs according to the obtuse-angle-shadowing rule
Point network tools, compatible with the graph objects in the Graph Utilities Package
ConnectedFrom gives a list of numbers for those points which have connections from a given point.
ConnectedNeighbors gives a list of numbers for those points which are connected to or from a given point
ConnectedTo gives a list of numbers for those points which have connections to a given point.
FriendCountList sorts the points according to how many connections they have.
FriendsFromList sorts the points according to which points they have connections from.
FriendsList sorts the points according to which points they have connections from or to.
FriendsToList sorts the points according to which points they have connections to.
Interpolation methods and tools
Interpolation,Method"Delaunay" 2D scattered point interpolation utilizing Delaunay triangulation
Interpolation,Method"Voronoi" returns the function value of the nearest control point from the interpolation point.
Interpolation,Method"ObtuseAngle" Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using obtuse angle shadowing networks.
InterpolationCoefficients is used in the algorithm for obtuse angle interpolation, and gives a vector of interpolation coefficients.
Interpolation,Method"RBF" Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using radial basis functions.
Interpolation,Method"Shepard" Multidimensional scattered point interpolation, using the Shepard method.